Matthew L. Tinkham, Jr.
the journey and reflections of a passionate pastor-teacher
"... his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot" (Jeremiah 20:9 NIV).
"I charge you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, ... preach the word!"
(II Timothy 4:1-2 ESV)
Wildflower Photography
My wife, Mariesa, and I love the outdoors and nature. It is a great place for building relationships, personal reflection, and most importantly connecting with the Creator of it all. During my high school ecology class, the instructor, Marty Miller, required us to memorize different species of birds, wildflowers, trees, wild edible plants, among other things. While we were learning about different species of wildflowers to identify them in the wild, the instructor assigned us a wildflower photography collection project. This began for me a passionate hobby of photographing as many Southeastern United States wildflower species as I can find. Thus, I owe my excitement for this hobby to Mr. Miller.
I thought I'd share a little of my passion with you. I'm by no means a professional when it comes to photography, but it is something I enjoy doing. Here is a small portion of my wildflower photography collection. I will continue to add to it over time.
Jack-in-the-PulpitArisaema triphyllum Arum Family | Lobed TickseedCoreopsis auriculata Aster/Sunflower Family | Plantainleaf PussytoesAntennaria plantaginifolia Aster/Sunflower Family |
Rattlesnake WeedHieracium venosum Aster/Sunflower Family | Mayapple, MandrakePodophyllum peltatum Barberry Family | Red CloverTrifolium pratense Bean/Pea Family |
Sampson's SnakerootOrbexilum pedunculatum Bean/Pea Family | Smooth VetchVicia dasycarpa Bean/Pea Family | Little Brown JugHexastylis arifolia Birthwort Family |
Wild ColumbineAquilegia canadensis Buttercup Family | Showy Evening PrimroseOenothera speciosa Evening Primrose Family | Longsepal BeardtonguePenstemon calycosus Figwort Family |
Mountain LaurelKalmia latifolia Heath Family | Japanese HoneysuckleLonicera japonica Honeysuckle Family | Catesby's Trillium, Rose TrilliumTrillium catesbaei Lily Family |
Large-FLowered TrilliumTrillium grandiflorum Lily Family | Sweet White TrilliumTrillium simile Lily Family | Yellow TrilliumTrillium luteum Lily Family |
Yellow Trout LilyErythronium americanum Lily Family | Lyreleaf SageSalvia lyrata Mint Family | Purple Dead NettleLamium purpureum Mint Family |
Pink Lady SlipperCypripedium acaule Orchid Family | Showy OrchidGalearis spectabilis Orchid Family | PassionflowerPassiflora incarnata Passionflower Family |
Multiflora RoseRosa multiflora Rose Family | Long-Spurred VioletViola rostrata Violet Family | Purple PhaceliaPhacelia bipinnatifida Waterleaf Family |
Oxeye DaisyChrysanthemum leucanthemum Aster/Sunflower Family |